Friday, October 28, 2011

List of Videos I Plan on Doing

Now, I'm not planning a Halloween Special, since the site just launched yesterday. But I do have some movies planned to review. As well as some comics, and even a Let's Play of Pokemon Colosseum.(or those long ass reviews that last for a while and you really have to TRY to be entertaining!) Anyway, here's what I have planned (This might go without saying, but the ones listed first are the ones I'm going to do first. However, the rest are as of yet to be decided.) Also some commentary on them. Enjoy! ^^

Movies or Shows:
Gorrilas in the Mist (You know Jane Goodall? This chick was NOTHING like her, apparently.)
The Shining (Wow. Guess not ALL Steven King movies suck...)
Spider-Man: Neogenic Nightmare Saga (It's like the Clone Saga in the comics. IT NEVER ENDS!!)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Marvel's equivilant to Batman & Robin.)
Sonic X (Putting X in out title! EXTREEEEEEEEME!!)

Comics and Manga:
Superman the Man of Tomarrow #1 (Can't Sups just pick a comic title and stick with it?)
Teen Titans #9 (American Comic or Manga? You be the judge.)
Vampire Girl Vol. 1 (Let the boringness proceed.)
Sonic X #s 1 and 2 (Cause, you know, the TV show was SO likable!)

Lets Plays:
Pokemon Colosseum (The awesome that never ceases!)
Resident Evil 0 (What the hell is with the main antagonist?)
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (HO boy, this is going to be a long one...)

Look forward to doing these, and I hope you all enjoy them when they ome out.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

FR is Born

Well, lookie here! Another website for review material! Yes, I was inspired by online interviewers like Doug Walker or Lewis Lovhaug to create one of these. As of right now, I don't know how I'm going to do my reviews. Written, on video... I think on video, but I don't know what my big shtic is. So don't be surprised if my first videos, um... suck. But DO help me out, please. Tell friends about me and give me feed back! Tell me what I can improve on! And I'll try to the best of my ability.

Thanks again!

Sydney Sutter (AKA, Fushinisou)